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Supporting yourself

24/7 service

Emergency 000

Emergency 000 is the number for police, ambulance, fire services. You should only call 000 if you are in immediate physical danger, or you think someone is in immediate physical danger.

Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

You will talk to someone almost immediately. Wait times for police or ambulance vary. 

You will speak to an operator who will ask you a few questions and for your location. 

 It is not a mental health/suicide helpline and operators will only respond to immediate physical danger. 

They may not have training for mental health crises. 

 Police or ambulance may attend but you cannot choose which. 

As a mainstream service, some phone operators may have limited knowledge about our communities, and may make assumptions about pronouns, gender and sexuality. 


24/7 service


Lifeline is FREE 24/7 crisis support helpline. Lifeline offers support for people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, and information in Simplified Chinese, Arabic and Vietnamese.

Mental health Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

As a mainstream service, some phone operators may have limited knowledge about our communities, and may make assumptions about pronouns, gender and sexuality. 

Lifeline can have a wait time of up to 30 minutes.  

You will speak to a volunteer who will ask you about your distress.  

You can remain anonymous. 

Lifeline may call emergency services if you mention suicide or having a plan to suicide. 

Click here for help while you wait or aftercare. 

24/7 service


13YARN is a free 24/7 service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing crisis.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental health Peer led Phone Support Supporting yourself

As a mainstream service, some phone operators may have limited knowledge about our communities, and may make assumptions about pronouns, gender and sexuality. 

You will speak to a Lifeline trained Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter. 

Wait times may vary.  

You can remain anonymous.  

Accessibility options not available. 

Click here for help while you wait or aftercare. 

24/7 service

NSW Mental Health Line

NSW Mental Health Line offers professional help and advice and referrals to local mental health services.

Mental health Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

As a mainstream service, some phone operators may have limited knowledge about our communities, and may make assumptions about pronouns, gender and sexuality. 

NSW Mental Health Line may have a wait time of up to 30 minutes 

You will speak to mental health professionals who will ask you detailed questions to determine if you need ongoing mental health care and how urgently  

They may then put you in contact with the most relevant mental health service for children, teens, adults and older people. 

Click here for help while you wait or aftercare. 

24/7 service

Kids Helpline

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Mental health Online chat Phone Support Supporting yourself
24/7 service

Peer CARE Companion Warmline

Roses in the Ocean's Peer CARE Companion Warmline is a suicide prevention ‘warmline’ call-back service providing peer support for compassionate conversations.

Bereavement Peer led Phone Support Postvention Supporting someone else Supporting yourself
24/7 service

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is a FREE 24/7 mainstream suicide and mental health service staffed with trained counsellors.

Mental health Online chat Phone Support Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

As a mainstream service, some phone operators may have limited knowledge about our communities, and may make assumptions about pronouns, gender and sexuality. 

Beyond Blue can have a wait time of 30 minutes.  

You will speak to a counsellor who will provide brief support.  

You can remain anonymous.  


QLife is a non-crisis national LGBTQ+ peer run service offering support and referral for people wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

LGBTQ+ Online chat Peer led Phone Support Sexuality Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

QLife phone and chat can have a wait time of 30 minutes.  

Phone calls are limited to 25 minutes and web chat is limited to 35 minutes.  

You will speak to a LGBTQ+ peer who can offer you support and referral.  

You can remain anonymous.  

Click here for some ideas on how to care for yourself as you wait. 



Providing a broad range of specialised services for LGBTQ+ young people 12-25 including housing, mental health, counselling and social support.

Community groups Housing LGBTQ+ Mental health Supporting yourself Trans and Gender Diverse

ACON support services

ACON offers a range of free and/or affordable community care and counselling services for LGBTQ+ adults in NSW. Services include suicide prevention and aftercare peer support, care coordination, HIV and LGBTQ+ counselling, substance support and home-based care.

ACON Alcohol and other drugs Bereavement LGBTQ+ Mental health Peer led Postvention Relationships Sexuality Supporting someone else Supporting yourself Trans and Gender Diverse

Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) NSW

24/7 information, support and referrals for those affected by alcohol and other drug use.

Alcohol and other drugs Phone Support Supporting yourself

Alt2Su Groups

Alternatives to Suicide (alt2su) groups are peer led, non-clinical suicide support groups. Both online and in person.

Peer led Supporting yourself

BEING Safe Haven Finder

Safe Havens or Safe Spaces are an alternative support service, other than a hospital emergency department, available to people feeling suicidal or otherwise in severe mental distress. Find a Safe Haven in NSW close to you

Mental health Peer led Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Between the Lines

Online resource for LGBTQ+ people who use substances.

ACON Alcohol and other drugs Supporting yourself

Beyond Now Suicide Safety Plan App

Beyond Now is an app you can use to make a step-by-step plan to help you stay safe in those times when you're overwhelmed and are having thoughts of suicide.

Apps Mental health Supporting yourself

Black Dog Institute

A source of information on mental health including fact sheets and research findings on suicide prevention and mental illnesses, and opportunities for lived experience participation.

Mental health Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Care Connect

Care Connect is an independent, not-for-profit Home Care Package provider for older people to assist in independent living.

Doctor referral required Supporting yourself

Carers NSW

Providing information, education and training, resources and referrals to support carers.

Alcohol and other drugs Disability Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Central & Eastern Sydney Mental Health Services

A range of mental health services located within the Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN)

Mental health Supporting someone else Supporting yourself


Charlee is a digital suicide prevention hub created by the LGBTQ+ community. It takes a no wrong door approach and seeks to create a safer space designed by LGBTIQA+ peers, to connect other peers and supporters to resources that better reflect and address the experiences often faced by our communities.

LGBTQ+ Peer led Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Ending Loneliness Together

Ending Loneliness Together is an incorporated body and registered charity working collaboratively to raise awareness of loneliness as an important social, health and economic problem.

Community groups Mental health Relationships Supporting yourself

Full Stop

24/7 crisis support providing counselling for people whose lives have been impacted by violence and abuse. Full Stop offer a 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone in NSW – men and women – who have experienced, or are at risk of, sexual assault and their non offending supporters.

Phone Support Supporting yourself Trauma

Head to Health

Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from mainstream mental health organisations.

Mental health Supporting yourself

Black Dog Mental Health Digital Tools & Apps

Online tools and mobile apps for your mental health and wellbeing developed and successfully tested through research trials that you can access anywhere at no cost.

Apps Mental health Supporting yourself

Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

The Manual is a collection of practical resources and tools that people, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous, can use to make a real difference in promoting positive mental health and social emotional wellbeing, and preventing suicide in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Marrin Weejali Aboriginal Corporation

Marrin Weejali provides culturally safe alcohol, other drug and non-acute mental health counselling, referral and advocacy services to members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of western Sydney, and also to other people in need of assistance.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Alcohol and other drugs Mental health Supporting yourself Trauma


MensLine Australia offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support for men with concerns about mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), addiction, relationship, stress and wellbeing.

Online chat Phone Support Relationships Supporting yourself

Click here for some ideas on how to care for yourself as you wait. 


Free online and phone mental health support for adults with experience of depression, anxiety stress, worry, panic, chronic pain and distress due to chronic health conditions.

Mental health Online chat Phone Support Supporting yourself

NSW Domestic Violence Line

24/7 service providing counselling and referrals for people experiencing domestic and family violence.

Phone Support Relationships Supporting yourself Trauma

Interpreters are available.

If you are hearing impaired, call the National Relay Service on 133 677.

Roses in the Ocean

Resources and training from Australia's peak lived experience suicide prevention organisation. LGBTQ+ inclusive programs available.

LGBTQ+ Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Safe Havens

Safe Haven is a NSW Health initiative. They are non-clinical spaces for people experiencing suicidal crisis. They are staffed by peer support workers with lived experience suicidal crises as well as clinicians. Operating hours vary for each location.

Mental health Peer led Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Operating hours vary for each location.

SAMSN Peer Support Line

Peer Support phone support for all male survivors of child sexual assault.

Peer led Phone Support Supporting yourself Trauma

Say it Out Loud

Website for LGBTQ+ people encouraging communities to have healthy relationships, get help for unhealthy relationships and support their friends.

ACON LGBTQ+ Relationships Supporting someone else Supporting yourself Trans and Gender Diverse

This website features a ‘Quick Exit’ button

Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT)

Suicide Prevention Outreach Teams (SPOT) help people who are in distress, suicidal or at risk of self-harm. SPOT is a mobile service and can come to you and is available across NSW.

Mental health Peer led Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

Operating hours vary for each location.


Parent led, national peer support network and community for parents and carers supporting their Trans, Gender Diverse and Non-Binary (TGDNB) child in Australia.

LGBTQ+ Peer led Supporting someone else Supporting yourself Trans and Gender Diverse

Way Back Support Service

The Way Back Support Service is available upon discharge after a suicide attempt. It provides practical, non-clinical support following a suicide attempt. The service aims to assist individuals and their families by linking them with appropriate support services to help manage life situations and challenges.

Doctor referral required Peer led Supporting yourself

This service requires a referral after discharge from hospital.

Wellways – After Suicide Support

Wellways offers resources, trainings and services in suicide prevention and recovery, mental health and more, including After Suicide Support for those bereaved by suicide.

Housing Mental health Supporting someone else Supporting yourself

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