ACON’s suicide prevention forum — All That We Carry

On Wednesday 20 September 2023, we hosted a forum on LGBTQ+ experiences of suicide and navigating care, funded by the NSW Ministry of Health’s Towards Zero Suicides initiative.
The forum outlined current evidence-based information on suicide in LGBTQ+ communities in Australia, including definitions of mental health and suicide terminology, statistics, and situational distress and protective factors.
The panel discussion in the second half of the forum included a range of expert voices on available support services in metropolitan, regional and rural areas of NSW. The panel discussed important strategies to support and guide community members through navigating crisis and support services.
Below, you can read and listen to an online version of the forum, which includes everything presented and more, as well as an embedded video of the panel discussion and question and answer session.
If needed, go to our page on caring for yourself when engaging with this topic, or our list of services for crisis lines and mental health support.
Alternatively, you can watch the entire forum in the video below.